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So many of you sound as if youre writing about my husband. I do know he does not have credit cards because he just filed bankruptcy. My learned behaviour has been over many decades so will take time but recognise also that incremental change is sustainable, so am comforted by this. I was with my ex for 23 yrs I tried and tried to support him so we could have an honest and mutually giving relationship I thought I was good at seeing when he was lying but in fact- it was all lies everything the whole relationship. Sorry to rant. Whenever she felt smothered by me or felt I went to far it was always because it was me. Leaving a narcissist doesn't end with simply physically leaving, packing up your belongings, and building a new life. My story is not so different from many documented here. He remains unaccountable for everything and so much more. Hi Kate That is a great question. Hi Michelle, I cannot urge you strongly enough to purchase Back From the Looking Glass. And even hope disappears into the sea blindness. He has refused to speak to me for the past 3 months, but has called my friends and family and told them I am mentally ill, he has tried to take our children from me without speaking to me, he has come to my house uninvited, and he has taken money from me. Ive allowed my husband to twist and manipulate, not be held accountable for most of it. Keeping rapport at the same time as setting boundaries is tough but a balancing act that helps a person become a better leader for sure! The only one who is going to take care of you or really cares how your life turns out is you! (exhausted). Ultimately, narcissism cannot be cured only managed. I am an Australian living in the UK and am a single parent with an 11 year old daughter. To find out that who you thought was your partner actually had no interest or ability to play that role. I do not need permission to talk to another adult about concerns that I have that affect my families well being. I actually learned this thru therapy I receive from my Psychiatrist and psychologist. Trying to hide the truth, trying to avoid real intimacy? I dont recommend this to anyone, but as his abuses escalated over a long period of time and never decreased, in addition to other factors, I very carefully planned and executed the plan to leave and divorce him so I could survive. Its time to Grow Up! That is a hard task I know and only really happened with Steve once basically he was cornered. My spouse left and never said why just left and of course it is all my fault. lets talk about his controlling ability. Be the happy person you were meant to be and fear nothing! I knew him for 6 years. Everything is for him. I actually tried some of the things you noted here, but there was absolutely no reasoning with him. I do not claim to be without my own issues. Narcissism in itself does not describe rape. I am confident, blonde and not a bad looker but boy can this man bring me to grey and confusion to any woman. Knowing you got paid in the mean time and you lied straight in my face and told me yeah I bought her the doll she wanted Then when I talked to your ex-wife wishing your daughter a happy birthday asking if she liked the present you sent her. However he keeps asking for more and then tries to blame me for having credit and being able to handle my finances as if it is my fault he cant handle his. I tried techniques to try and hold him accountable for his actions sadly your article has come too late cos he stormed off again the other day. Cannot yet share my own experience but am on a huge learning curve so am needing to understand more and recognise fully that the change needs to come from me: not only because I would like to have the NPD in my life understand the impact of his behaviour on me (and others) Hi Marje and welcome to our site, Write down what first triggered you getting angry and then go and do something to cheer yourself up and forget about him for awhile. 13 1 Sponsored by TruthFinder Have you ever googled yourself? Its been over a year. Its all straight from the heart and tells it like it really is. My husband asked for a divorce November 2012 and we are in the process. So I guess I would ask you to ask yourself if you are grieving or co-dependent(co-dependence effects most of our relationships). Leave, and dont look back. I have returned to college studying the medical field, I am on the honour role which opens my eyes to the fact that I am not dumb and stupid like he drummed into my head for so many years. Hi Kim, thanks for the response. Its hard to grasp how this man that professed his love so earnestly and regularly could turn this fast! Do Narcissists Like To Be Held Accountable? Everything is my fault. Also I realise his controlling behaviour of me , is a lack of control of himself . As I am writing, I am sitting in a beautiful Hotel in California, at the end of a 4 day all expense trip he won. It is really unbelievable what they put you through. You do not *ever* talk to a doctor about someone else without their permission, and you do not respectfully obtain permission by stating what you are going to need to do.. Your suggestions would probably work with those who have narcissistic tendencies but not people who have malignant narcissism which is a very rare condition. Mine treated me like a queen for 6 months. This is hell. Slavery works like that; not freedom. That it had nothing to do with me. Not throwing it in his face but letting him know that he is not the only person in my life. and yet, he BLAMES ME and texted me just the other day about how hurt and angry he is. If you want to hold a narcissist accountable, you need to challenge the deception. It is down to only about 50% of the time being the disordered personality. Our whole program is about you becoming authoritive and able to take the lead effectively. You also need to let him know that if he damages anything of yours again you will go straight to the police. Dont let him know that this is being instigated by you. I am not the one that started up with a girl friend and LEFT their wife. 20) You blame me for having credit but ask me to use it time and again. I can now have an evening in and not feel insecure because Im learning who I am and strangely with his silencing since our last split Ive realised I need to find me. I assure you that separating bank accounts will work to stop that. As of last night (all through text because he wont communicate these days any other way), I said I cant drag my daughter through this anymore. They have to be sane! Leaving can set of behaviour you might not be expecting and it is best if you are prepared. I dont trust home to not jack this up too! One day, I will be thinking or doing something other than engaging in the endless hours of preoccupation about another tumultuous display of rage and blame, when he comes to me and finally saysI now understand. Its going to cost him a whole lot more when he moves out and has to pay someone to live somewhere else. I saw that and I used that knowledge to my advantage. At the end of these emotionally exhausting talks, I end up talking to him as if he was 7 years old. Just the paranoia, the aggressions, the damage to your property, his alcohol abuse and him breaking in to your bedroom at night and making stories about other people that are not true. Kim, I totally agree with this article and after dealing with this type of behavior for 34 years of marriage I know this method works great. I was slapped, hit, kicked, bitten, told that I was not a man and it was all my fault for her behaving in such a manner. I definitely felt stronger and more in control of my own feelings and responses to the verbal and emotional abuses. I really dont know how much more I can take of this bad behavior. I only realized what narcissism is about when my current boyfriend told me he was a narcissist , I didnt get it at first. For all this time I have been working on myself, attending classes through the church (designed for couples, but they are letting me go by myself)and I (unlike him) remember the good timeshe COULD be really, really sweetand my soul still loves him (its the only way I know how to describe it as it takes me out of the very human/ego part of me that is pissed as hell at the childish, immoral behavior) also lets me not put the blame on myself (which I bought into, and still do some days, like today). Kim, what is the natural consequence for ongoing, deliberate, hostile silence that is simply meant to punish? Most people get closer together in bad times but I just know if we had a Tragic situation it would be an argument. Why do feel the need to write and give him this or, of the sort, letter? He does have a good side, but I am beginning to wonder which is the real him. I am divorced from them, but one has since passed away. He is about to deploy and so we do need to discuss and make decisions on how we are going to handle things while he is gone but he wont make a decision and wants to fight instead so he can avoid the subject everytime. And talk about the blame. Its sad he has used one old gal to get her home. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and then again in 2007. I collected me from work, he cooked for me, he gave me massages and we enjoyed many interests together. Any hope of that happening? He also said we dont have kids, theres no reason to stay together. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I suggest, with respect, you get out of the way and let them learn their lessons. I knew something was wrong, but I was so accustomed to allowing people to disregard and abuse me that I did give it the attention it deserved. ANYTIME I complain about anything there is ABSOLUTELY no sympathetic response from him. My issue iswhat about false accountability? He mixes prescription meds and alcohol and is a walking time bomb. Literally, I thought it was me and I was being unreasonable. You cannot decide what they will do and if they ask what you want you need to be ready to say, It appears he is having severe withdrawals and if his medication is not monitored more closely I am concerned about what may result.. And our relation will be over, youll never see me again. DA I read how to hug a porcupine and it explained that when you are dealing with a toxic person you can start behaving toxic too. Did your partner admit to the lies you wrote about during the early days of your relationship, and then turn into the man who damaged your car and didnt mention it until after you found out? He was very serious about making the change. I was married to someone who could be defined as a toxic narcissist for thirteen years. My head understands that his efforts and love were nothing but manipulation. She calls every email I send her Diatribes which tells me 1) she doesnt give a good rats ass about my feelings or opinions 2) dismisses my opinion yet expects me to hear her out every time!If I told you everything about our relationship I would write a 10 volume encyclopedia! This is why we highlight the need for action. The childlike behavior I have described as an emotionally disturbed 5 year old, I know it sounds like I hate him. Over the christmas break, whilst my daughter was with her dad, I spent 3 fabulous days with his daughter and him only to find on the last day being rushed out of the house so that he could watch a rugby match with his best mate with no idea when Ill see him again. One has treatable BIpolar the other ver narcissistic personality traits. Why? It is so hard to read his a apologies and statements of ownership and progress. These as with all of Kim and Steves materials and information are interchangeable for whatever the situation you are in, including with your daughter. After more and more learning and healing, the less I want to give intimacy of any kind to narcissists in the future, because it will never be an equal relationship Kims comment about pulling on the thread [of ones own] superiority really struck a chord- one of the main reasons for staying (besides much love) was, in retrospect, to feel like his hero- which meant feeling a little morally superior to him! The ultimate problem within them is selfish pride. Thanks to all of you as well. But my heart knows that I will never be able to count on him to be there for me unless it suits him and his own needs at the time. I am becoming the woman I was when we met the one he hated. It just goes to show that there are no single answers. I didnt handle it right, I got upset and was hurt and we had an allniter fight again. so doing, we are able to sustain the necessary leverage for healing, for enduring change. If your narcissistic friend is supposed to have lunch with you, invite a few other friends without telling her. I wonder if the women he is having affairs with are married? All I can add at this point in the blog is that I encourage everyone to get Kim & Steves ebooks and other materials. This man I love cant own up to his own behavior that breaks the trust. He is no longer abusive towards me and he is learning to control his emotions. Nothing seems a to be my partners fault, other people are always to blame . I understood and told you I would not come to home coming, so it would not make it uncomfortable for your kids since by your choice your kids and your ex-wife didnt know of our relationship. No more thinking they can manipulate you and do whatever else they want without having to answer for it. But also confusing if you want to find a way forward through this. Its so hard to accept that it was no more than a performance. I know that something good will come out of this for everyone. The more sensitive a narcissist is to criticism, the more likely it is they'll become mean, vengeful, and vindictive. He actually even said,or yelled, the whole world is wrong there is nothing wrong with me. He has made threats to kill his biological daughter and her family. Every step of the way I had guards and boundaries in place. It will put all of these blog pages, information, and the events and/or what is happening within your life into a healthier perspective. He says they are not having sex. I ignored all of his suggestions, found a fab clinic to provide all my treatments in, perfect location and great clients to gain Before that happened we split up after him not handling our discussion about his controlling ability. This keeps the people that are suing him, unable to take his business.Im scared to death to put my name on a business that he has any control over! I really didnt understand his behavior then, but I want to now because of my boys. You asked me to lend you the money to pay it off knowing that I made some money on the sale of my house, granted I did not have a new job yet after leaving my old one to move and am a single mom of two. It depends on what they are is the role he will play. Thanks Kim , Thanks for another great article. I dont know what the problem was that you entered counselling about but if he is truly sorry he will accept the new rules of engagement. I think if I respond with a more idiotic statement, the liars will see the light. When Matt has consequences, he uses the boys against me. He returned to the USA and after two years and 3 visits, I accepted his proposal. 1. I will never understand it. I am a school teacher, so I used many of the strategies I use to manage behavior with students, and they often work. It was all my fault she says because I crossed the line but she didnt do anything wrong. I was shocked. And even that can be a prolonged struggle, given their profound dependence on their victims. Should I stop saving him by having sex with him when I dont feel like it because of his behavior? The sadness seems so deep, even though I know understand, Im not sure Ill every be whole. You need to find yourself a private detective who will help you and gather information for the police on his criminal activities. Im still trying to re-do the past with him and I still try to point things out that he said and did and I still try to explain my behaviors to his abusive remarks and all to no avail. When he was alcholic and drunk he would do the stupid lying stuff, but when sober and caught he could at least give bits of the truthwho knows. My phone broken, the destruction on my car, my stolen pics, do I just have to let go. The other piece of this for me isI know that somewhere along the way, Im going to really NEED him for something. He also tries to provoke me often telling me with a smile his best moments of the day were when he had been with one of his favorite female colleagues. I thought things would change they dont. His behaviour towards me and the children became so bad he was forced to move out by court order. But I cannot pretend things r ok when I am not seeing them ok. Kims suggestion. I have also read kims info and much more. Keep the love flames going and learn to forget the past. Da, I could have written your story You are me. Whenever we are growing closer, he will try and start a fight about nothing, just to give himself permission to get away and blaming me for it. I managed to get my ground back in some important ways. Thank you so much for everything! Now hes drinking more and loves to stay high. I have a beautiful six month old son to a man I love and care for who suffers from NPD. Like I said, I have been firm with establishing boundaries for myself in a calm and non-confrontational but stern manner, but he continues to violate them and refuses to speak to me. Hes a gigolo too, pretty sure of it.I need him out of here and dont know how to be more blunt. How can you prevent this person raping you again? Ultimately thats whats important if the percentages are ok, My wife been back&4th for all our marriage. He is 40 years old and although we are living separately, my choice, he wishes for us to move to Australia together. Lawyers have said to put all vehicles in my name. I tried and tried to reach her through her anger but the more I tried the more she saw me as someone that was to be looked down upon and treated me even worse. In the meantime you need better security on your house so he cannot break in. I heard her talk to him one time and knew he was suffering with a monster too. It was my word against hers. Hed rather throw love away (or so it seems) than keep it together by being honest, and being kind. You really need the steps in Back From the Looking Glass. My friend (who once was my lover) always blames me when we fight and then breaks it off for awhile. I want to believe them so much. He was hell on earth in the beginning but I researched and read materials to the point I understood his disorder. They are experts at playing with feelings and getting what they want, and you are the one who pays while you self-esteem continues to diminish. When such small things happen occasionally in a relationship, they might be overlooked. They have forgiven you time and time again. What are they gonna do? Nor was I, when tolerating them, i kept making excuses for unnexceptable behaviour. My husband never said he was sorry, no remorse, hasnt held a steady job 12 of 14 years. You cringe as you swipe your card to buy a coffee without getting approval from the narcissist first. But with your advice in my mind, I already managed to stop discussions without threatening to leave him. Hold yourself accountable. Its not a break up. Kim, do you think your husband had to do something similar when he learned how to be more accountable? Never be afraid of the consequences they (Nar) will have to suffer for their own faulty decisions, it will only help them. I want to make the right move at this critical point in our relationship. Despite the difficulties of this life, I love my husband and do not want to leave him. Right this second I am so angry more angry probobly than ever in my life at him over what appears to be infidelity and porn and him always blaming others for what he does wrong.. How much can a person swallow and stroke anothers ego before it is just too much! Can we now part?! There is something in all of the above in my husband.Actually lots! Is it worth making then accountable for that? i am not supply anymore. But please be careful and have a look at the last chapter of Back From the Looking Glass before you do. Thanks, Thank you, Kim for this post! That being said, we do know that narcissism is a behavior that can be reinforced or discouraged by the environment. They can tell you anything to make you feel sorry for them, sometimes when they do get it, they even apologize: but, so soon they repeat, rendering the apology useless. When anything goes wrong i cant even imply it was his fault. I was not a good wife, or mother, so on etc. He also sexually assaulted our 4 year old one night during a drunken binge and was arrested but got off on a technicality even though CPS said there was no doubt it happened and all of us are in counseling due to the additional verbal and psychological abuse. Id meant to say in that last sentence that id text him to say I was tired and hence grumpy that bubs wasnt sleeping.he told me to drink concrete and harden up it was my choice to have the baby, hed have had an abortion. Its a hard life, but for me, Ive put down the sword, and have decided to find the believers in me; not the leaders or followers that are only destined to intercept my inalienable rights to exist. annulled. You are right on target. Mine has just finished with me saying that he cannot deal with my mood swings. I have been reading your information for over two years. The 2nd counselor I went to by myself(after the couples attempt, where he wanted to be friends) told me he was likely a narcissist. It took 2-3 years and Ive moved on, but the apology from him finally gave me the closure I needed. Also ask the CPS for assistance and any numbers can give you. I know how painful this feels. I still love this man. I just got served with a baseless lawsuit by him and now have to find a pro bono attorney as I have no money but with his slick attorney ways, he will someone win even though CPS has said he cant see the kids unsupervised but the courts are allowing him to file suit for custody?? I really love him , and after pulling things back together, I feel weak , and I dont know how to handle him or myself. Its just he has been so good about making me feel bad if I dont help him out and making it out to be me not loving him. All I can say is that if you care enough for the person dont give up and just make it part of life. I find the advise you offer well intentioned but in my situation my relationship is over. And you have a right to your own views and feelings. This has taken me lots of practice, but as I improve, I feel more and more empowered. Loss of supply - crying for themselves because they've lost a valuable source of supply. I have followed your advice and he seems to now trust me and I guess he therefore feels able to be more honest with me. That is why I am ending the relationship. He uses people big time to get what he wants out of life. "Knowing that a trap exists is the first step in avoiding it." Trauma bonds are a trap that children form that can hold them back from living healthy lives as adults. Hey Kim! He does not know how to be himself as a child so when he has questions and here is the hard part for me to remember, he really doesnt know beyond the child age he is. Kevin, the reason people can go on with their lives hurting others is because most people let them. Hi. Its not easy, but that is how the trust grows. Well see how long that will last. I didnt set boundaries with him because i was so hurt by the sudden death of my husband. He may not be a gambler but your situation is similar. None of this is worth staying with a Narcissist. I will say, I was probably nearly every DSM diagnosis when he leftgetting better, have days of no tears and even feeling happy some days! There are steps in The Love Safety Net Workbook that will help you create a home environment that builds attachment and trust. I do sometimes text my husband if I need to ask something or tel him something he may or may not freak about. He has money in his name too so its fair. My Nar is no better than the next person and should have to integrate in society with what is seen as the social norms. So unless youve got some ideas I dont know what to do except to talk to our doctor and see if they have any ideas that might help., I cant be late for work again and so I am sorry I cant drop you off today., I dont know how to handle you when you get so angry at me, and so from now on I am going to need to get someone who knows know how to handle angry people (the police?) Welcome my channel! I dont want my children to be like him. You can't hold narcissists accountable; you just invite embittered counterattack. A person doing something in anger or acting irrationally often plays into the narcissist's narrative that the person has . To hold yourself accountable, you may choose to tell a trusted friend about ending the relationship or do something too "final" to backtrack too easily on (such as signing the lease on a new apartment far away from the narcissist or blocking them on all social media channels - any step that reminds you of how far you've come and will . Sex, holidays, dinners, housework, conversations, etc. Narcissists move on to distract themselves, prey on a new source of attention, or punish you. None did any good. He tells me in a text later that night after Id told to drink concrete and harden up. 12 Amber Lives in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK Author has 78 answers and 30.8K answer views 2 y Related I only asked you to let me know when you made it back via phone so I knew you made it ok. You did not call me for three days after you came back and it took me calling you mother because I was worried and her telling you that, for you to call me. (it had worked in the past and thought that as we were married, we would work through it). If I had to write about everything that I had to endure at the hands of the woman I love so much it would take a long time. This woman was a serial liar who could turn on the tears at will and present herself as a very convincing victim. He is a textbook case. I actually feel like I cant take anymore, and now find myself alone at 60yrs when I thought I would be settled down with someone to spend the rest of my life with. I know he is or will spread this lie about me because when I first met him, he said the same thing about his exWifehe lied about her and is gonna use the same lies on me?? You found it on the floor and because you were mad at me you threw it in the trash. I know that if I just pull a little bit back, give him his own feeling of space he will be fine.. Do NOT get into and argument and DO NOT take these steps without reading all the steps you need in our book Back From the Looking Glass. Write in a journal, do something good for yourself. Belli. I know I will have bad days but again I have hope and I will continue to learn from your experience. He resented me for ever requesting counseling or that I expected him to continue to keep his word. And I have no idea what to do with the business. Hi Trying so hard I wonder if first you might want to work on making your home into someplace he wants to be? It is not wrong to use this survival skill, everyone benefits and it is to ensure your own safety. Choose your battles and decide what is important enough to speak about and wait until things are calm. I appreciate your indepth understanding, and drive to help others. Ive had my hair pulled, been hit, wakened in the middle of the night by yelling and screaming, breaking objects, punching holes in walls. What there is is putdowns, anger, blaming, no empathy, selfishness, baiting me to get me drawn into arguments, and lack of accountability in the small things in life such as chores or simply doing what he has said he will do in a million small ways. He always has an agenda.which is for himself onlyultimately to make himself feel good about himself. I did this wrong more than once before, I wanted to leave him four times already out of anger, out of fear and just in the heat of the moment, when we were arguing. My husband has not changed in fact he has moved on to another woman whom he can control. Its not worth it. It sounds like you have high expectations (perceived) from your partner. Are you familiar with co-dependence? I told him what I did and said it was better that way, that way we can avoid him being the middle man since I do all the banking anyways and it wouldnt cause a problem for him or us in the future with an argument over the ph cause of a misunderstanding and he got soooo mad telling me again how I dont know how hard some of his days are blah blah and thats when I said, I am NOT your punching bagyou wanna rag on someonerag on the person who first called you at a bad time NOT me. I feel persecuted and I dont know how to cope. I also take a supplement called laminine (amino acids & FGF) that helps regulate my hormones and neurotransmitters which get out of whack with the roller coaster ride of living with a narcissist and it helps them as well with theses issues