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Dying Light Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You will be able to run and climb for a longer duration of time with this skill. This article is a disambiguation page for Outfits. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Trending pages Ninja Outfit Special Agent outfit Bill (outfit) Troublemaker outfit * Dying Light - Nvidia Outfit. Freerunning Expert (Passive) Dying Light 's Snow Ops Bundle is live just in time for Christmas. Survival Starter Kit (Active) How to Unlock: Power Level 13 and Combat Expert. And can it grapple hook back dev weapons? Added "Hunted" outfit from Content Drop #0 DLC. How to Unlock: Power Level 11 and Windmill. This skill reduces shop prices by 10 per cent. With this skill, you will receive +25 extra HP and the ability to use Grappling Hook, Shields, and Camouflage in a much better way. I've noticed that running by volitiles in the ninja costume doesn't get as much of a response than without, so maybe it does have an effect. Land, friends, dignity all sold to the highest bidder. Outfits are a gameplay reward featured in Dying Light. How to Unlock: Power Level 6 and Combat Adept. With this skill, you will receive another extra +25 HP, allowing you to stay in combat for longer durations of time. Brutal Grapple (Passive) This skill teaches you how to craft shields. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How to Unlock: Agility Level 10 and Light Drop. Inside a house in the Town, south of Bilal's Gas Station. and our Only way to be 100% sure though would be to look in the game files or get a response from a dev. It's really helpful for rapid levelling up early on in the game, cause you can get perks a lot faster. This skill allows you to dodge enemies attacks by dodging in any direction one of the most skills in the game. How to Unlock: Power Level 7 and Combat Adept. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 2. Hard Bargain (Passive) #4. Dying Light and Dying Light 2 are first person zombie survival games developed by Techland. This mod removes the annoying animations and gives you solid Physic mechanics in the game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dying Light Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Shield Mastery (Active) By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that this skill requires more pace than Vault. The Van Crane outfit allows you to basically boomerang your weapons (one handed excluding Expcalibur. For more information, please see our How to Unlock: Survivor Level 11 and DIY Grenades. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 6 and Boosters. This skill teaches you how to craft Exploding Cars Traps. PSN: TomFogle. Ultimate Combatant (Passive) The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. Agent Outfit could grant additional accuracy and unlimited Grappler use without any reload cool-downs. This skill allows you to score more Critical Hits with crafted items. Top 5 Skins in Dying Light Darkitect 14.9K subscribers Subscribe 989 Share 87K views 4 years ago Here's my list of the top 5 best looking outfits in Dying Light (Updated 2018) Make sure to. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Fixed an issue with the Bozak outfits placed in the wrong category, Removed all outfits that could not be kept. Health Regen II (Passive) Blast (Passive) If they had any real abilities they would list them as a draw in to buy the extra outfits. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Has anyone figured out how to force choke with the Dying Force Gun? Reversal (Passive) How to Unlock: Agility Level 10 and Freerunning Adept. Ok-, so i have a few that i love. I don't have them all so I can't say for certain. DIY Grenades (Active) How to Unlock: Survivor Level 14 and Grappling Hook. Trap Bombs (Active) Slam (Passive) Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. This increases your weapons durability, allowing you to use them for longer durations of time. This skill teaches you how to craft Boosters which allow faster running, better sight in darkness, and more. Combat Expert (Passive) You receive six extra weapon slots and 14 slots for gear. How to Unlock: Agility Level 5. Craftsman (Passive) Do they outfits do anything when you wear them? How to Unlock: Agility Level 14 and Instant Escape. Kill Frenzy (Passive) How to Unlock: Power Level 5. Now your job is to find the enemies in the north-eastern part of the Old Town. Log in to view your list of favourite games. How to Unlock: Power Level 3 and Stun. Kick Stun (Passive) Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or search to find the page you were looking for if it is not listed. New Game Plus, New Weapons, Gear, Locations & More Dying Light 2 DLC Coming (Dying Light 2 Outfits) 156,338 views Feb 9, 2022 3.4K Dislike Save JorRaptor 792K subscribers Dying Light. Ninja is an outfit in Dying Light, only obtainable as either a pre-order bonus from Best Buy or as a downloadable content item from the Ultimate Survivor Bundle . With this skill, you learn to target up to three enemies at the same time and perform a multi-throw. Cookie Notice Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Categories Melee Throw (Active) Do note that you will need multiple throwing items for this. This skill teaches you how to fend off Biters in a much faster way, without taking much damage. The game is set in a vast and dangerous open. Outfits in Dying Light offer nothing other than an aesthetic appearance and do not add any abilities or skills to the player. Dying Light: Platinum Edition All DLC Outfits Showcase - YouTube Dying Light is an action survival game presented in first-person perspective. This skill teaches you how to get behind enemies unnoticed and perform powerful execution on both living and dead. The DLC pack introduces a new weapon and outfit for its players. Master Backpacker (Passive) Freerunning Adept (Passive) Dying Light: The Following (Original Game Soundtrack), Dying Light: The Bozak Horde (Original Game Soundtrack), Dying Light 2 Stay Human (Original Soundtrack). If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. How to Unlock: Agility Level 11 and Tackle. How to Unlock: Agility Level 3 and Dodge. Ultimate Survivor (Passive) Tackle (Passive) Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or search to find the page you were looking for if it is not listed. Whirlwind (Passive) How to Unlock: Agility Level 24 and Freerunning Expert. As an ideal combination, combine it with Ultimate Runner and no mutant will stand you. Or these three are the only ones existing so far. How to install: 1) Close Steam. Outfits in Dying Light offer nothing other than an aesthetic appearance and do not add any abilities or skills to the player. Camouflage (Active) You gain much longer effects from Boosters. How to Unlock: Agility Level 7 and Freerunning Adept. Windmill (Active) Found anything misleading or confusing? I bought the Van Crane DLC today and found out it hooks weapons back after you throw them, are there any other outfit perks? Light Drop (Passive) Combat Adept (Passive) Dodge (Active) Players can use both of these new additions for an. Exploding Cars (Active) Maybe add an option to trigger Air Strikes on call. This only works with One-Handed Weapons and allows you to strike a massive blow at the cost of high Stamina consumption. Flitting across the Slums and Old Town with the grappling hook is a blast, and yanking zombies across the city is hysterical. With this skill, you will be able to perform unlimited sprint, climbing, and jumping; no mutant will be able to catch you with this skill at your disposal. This will save you the constant usage of Medkits which are extremely valuable. This skill teaches you how to perform a dropkick while sprinting towards an enemy. Focus (Passive) Dying Light has a current total of four outfits as downloadable content. You'll be able to return to the cave using Tolga's Folly. Techland's class system returns in Dying Light 2. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 10 and Lucky Repair. If you have the melee throw ability and the outfit then the weapon returns to you on a string. Booster XL (Passive) On an rock edge within the marked area during the quest. outfit Joker outfit Mandala Skull outfit Nothing Happened outfit Puzzle outfit Snake outfit Stargazer outfit , Fresh Clothes (Dallan) Special Agent outfit (Dallan) Urban Explorer outfit (Dallan) Fresh Clothes (Jurn) Special Agent outfit (Jurn) Urban Explorer outfit (Jurn) Fresh Clothes (Khaleel) Special Agent outfit (Khaleel) Urban Explorer outfit (Khaleel), Brecken outfit Dragon Ninja outfit Golden Boy outfit GRE Enforcer outfit Perfect Gentleman outfit Quarantine Demon outfit Rahim outfit Rais Killer outfit Rais outfit Tahir outfit. With this skill, your Stamina consumption for using Windwhirl attacks will get reduced to half. Most are cosmetic, but the ninja outfit is silent. 1 is a Runner outfit so i assume it'll make you run better. How to Unlock: Power Level 2. In the crashed alien spaceship southeast, after finding all of the Strange Rocks and unlocking the Alien Easter Egg. Instant Escape (Active) Valve Corporation. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 25 and Grappling Hook. It would be amazing to silently snipe away some of the thugs from Rais crew that somehow get to those Airdrops before me! Let us know in the comments below! How to Unlock: Agility Level 9 and Grapple. The thing is, none of these perks are game-breaking. 2-Night rider, i just love neon and 80's . Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. It should also highlight any items/locations that can be interacted without needing to use the Sense ability. With this skill, your kick gets 15 per cent chances of stunning enemies. This perk allows you to absorb even more damage and stand your ground during the fights with +25 HP. With this skill, you will be able to use dead bodies to your advantage and hide yourself from pursuing mutants. How to Unlock: Power Level 10 and Drop Attack. I've not noticed anything that gives you a bonus to a skill or anything, as far as I'm aware they are purely cosmetic. Harran Hunter Outfit would be cooler if they added extra Poison Damage to any ranged attacks with a Bow or Crossbow. Grapple (Active) Now includes weapon hit detection. Dying Light 2 Stay Human Media in: DLC Outfits V-9 Defender Suit Edit The V-9 Defender Suit is an Outfit featured in Dying Light. I don't have them all so I can't say for certain. Dying Light and Dying Light 2 are first person zombie survival games developed How to Unlock: Power Level 6 and Combat Adept. I would recommend getting this as early as possible. Power Attack (Active) -Better Mods and Better looking one's as well (meanwhile DL2, you're stuck with the same mod design and lack variety of how mods should look like in our weapons) -Better environment interaction (Car batteries, Gasoline Canisters . You receive four extra weapon slots and learn to utilize backpack space more effectively. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Ninja Outfit should have the option to throw Smoke Bombs that will disorient any enemies allowing for a quick escape. Maybe add in a Sniper Rifle if there isn't one already? Sturdiness II (Passive) How to Unlock: Power Level 12 and Kick Stun. Dropkick Bomb (Passive) You may change your outfit by accessing a player Stash, and then moving to the Outfits tab. All rights reserved. Do note that jumping from extremely high altitudes will still kill you. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 3 and Survival Starter Kit. How to Unlock: Agility Level 9 and Escape. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 8 and Crafting Expertise. * Dying Light - Special Agent. You can use this perk to dismantle a horde of enemies and make a quick escape. Upon maxing out one of the three skill trees, you'll get access to Legendary levels, and you'll start gaining experience . Dying Light Skills, Perks, XP and Character Progression - Survivor, Agility, Power As you progress through the story and earn XP, you will be able to select from a wide array of skills -. Backlash (Active) +25 HP. Stomp (Active) it will be interesting to see where they take the next set of DLC, I would enjoy outfit updates for sure and some of the other stuff you stated or similar. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 4 and Survival Starter Kit. With this skill, your falling damage is reduced by 50 per cent. Each enemy will drop one pack, so you need to kill 50 of them to get all the required packs. Dying Light - Van Crane Bundle Though most seek shelter as the All-Hallows Eve arrives, you fear no monster, no creature of the night. This skill improves your freerunning skills and allows you to climb and run faster than before. When does matchmaking unlock in dying light Krampus outfit and solar cargo support smashboards with attempting. The effects include Electricity, Stunning, and Blast. Acquired by participating in a public event. This skill allows you to throw a melee weapon at enemies and retrieve the weapon afterwards. Dying Light - Snow Ops Bundle Warner Bros. Interactive PS4 $1.99 Add to Cart Blood and Gore, Game Experience May Change During Online Play, Intense Violence, Strong Language PS Plus required for online play Supports up to 4 online players with PS Plus Online play optional 1 player PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration After activating the secret Nuke ending, the outfit will appear in the Player's Stash. Volatile Hunter Outfit should have UV Lights that could be applied through a toggle to further blind the target enemy and specifically apply additional damage to Volatiles. This will allow you to stand your ground for longer durations of time. This skill teaches you to craft bombs that lure enemies and then explode. In the Town south of Bilal's Gas Station, last floor on a chair sofa. Boosters (Active) With this skill, you will regenerate far more HP than with Health Regen and receive a better minimal HP threshold. While holding Two-Handed Weapons, this perk will allow you to attack enemies while you are airborne. Privacy Policy. Conserve Weapons (Passive) Dying Light Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Cookie Notice and our You need to cause distractions using Firecrackers and other things before sneaking past an enemy and killing him/her. Fixed an issue where the game crashed when loading the mod. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. 1-Grey n' red outfit, It reminds me of the beta character that was supposed to be the main character of dying light, Antoine, And also because of it's minimalistic style, it's not flashy or atenttion grabbing like a lot of others, it's simple, just grey, red, and green. will the 20% boost matter though? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This skill increases the amount you receive for selling extra items at your disposal. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 3 and Survival Starter Kit. You may change your outfit by accessing a player Stash, and then moving to the Outfits tab. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You are not allowed to use assets from this file under any circumstances, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. How to Unlock: Power Level 8 and Conserve Weapons. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 5. How to Unlock: Agility Level 2. How to Unlock: Agility Level 12. Note: The sleeve of the outfit covers most of the player's watch, so it is not an ideal choice for players who want to check the game time without pausing. With this skill, you will be able to vault over enemies and different things without having to engage enemies. Ninja makes your footsteps silent to you (and only you), so you can better hear zombies' footsteps. Ultimate Runner (Passive) Forward Roll (Active) You will see them on the roofs of the buildings and inside the buildings. Ninja outfit quiets your steps.. Thats it. Register now trigger . As you might imagine, playing Dying Light as Super Crane is a ton of fun. This skill increases the damage dealt by Dropkick three folds. In mutual relations. How to Unlock: Agility Level 6 and Freerunning Adept. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 8 and Elemental Throwing Stars. Ninja makes your footsteps silent to you (and only you), so you can better hear zombies' footsteps. This skill teaches you how to add elemental effects to your crafted shields. How to Unlock: Power Level 11 and Focus. This skill allows you to receive additional items while crafting something. Initally, there were many complaints about this outfit being glitched before fixed in a patch. Slide (Active) After destroying the Volatile Nest tunnel. Significantly reduces the chance of being grabbed. Nimble Hands (Passive) Mordhaus Feb 22, 2016 @ 6:17am. How to Unlock: Power Level 8 and Power Attack. Snow warrior increases XP, Savvy Gamer gives improved night vision, Astronaut outfit reduces fall damage, Shu Warrior improves dodge ability by 50%, and there might be others too but those are the ones I can think of. Health Regen (Passive) While wielding One-Handed Weapon, you will be able to perform a powerful airborne execution. Press J to jump to the feed. Lucky Repair (Passive) With this skill, you will be able to fight without getting tired. 291K subscribers in the dyinglight community. Only way to be 100% sure though would be to look in the game files or get a response from a dev. It is available after installing the L4D2 Bill and Gnome Chompski pack free DLC. Specialist (Passive) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Press J to jump to the feed. How to Unlock: Agility Level 8 and Vault. It should also highlight any items/locations that can be interacted without needing to use the Sense ability. A better pairing to the original Dying Light 1 physics. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 6 and Backpacker. 4) Copy and paste the Data3.pak file into the game's DW folder. * Dying Light - Techland Outfit. . Tic Tac (Active) Haggle (Passive) How to Unlock: Survivor Level 12 and Camouflage. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 10 and Electric Fences. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Shu warrior decreases chance of being grab, The astronauts and ninja outfits reduces fall damage the astronauts one does this better, New snow outfit increase skills gained by 20%. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Ninja Costume allows the character to run and walk silently. I heard about a Ninja outfit you can get which'll get the enemies off your back a bit.I can't remember if i'm mentioned it on here before.I apologize if i had before. Escape (Active) Unreleased skin for the Halloween event 2019. Sturdiness (Passive) All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Land, friends, dignity all sold to the highest bidder, They do nothing. New outfits can be gained in a variety of ways, including raising your survivor level, beating the game on each difficulty, beating Parkour Fever challenges by day and night, purchasing DLC outfits, raising your trust level in Dying Light: The Following, and finding collectible outfits located in the game world of Dying Light: The Following. Its in the wikia that the ninja makes you move without making noise. They do nothing. However, you get the outfits or gear in four unique roles, rarities, and armor ratings. This skill improves your precision and attacking with Blunt Weapons has a chance to stun enemies. How to Unlock: Agility Level 4 and Dodge. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Just wondering if they are purely cosmetic or do some outfits have a slight perk, I don't know for sure but I swear I'm really quiet in the ninja outfit. Grappling Hook (Active) Added the "Raider Armor" outfit from Hellraid. How to Unlock: Agility Level 6 and Freerunning Adept. Sturdiness II (Passive) Elemental Throwing Stars (Active) This skill stuns an enemy that you vaulted over for about five seconds. With this skill, any enemy thrown with Grapple will be knocked down, giving you opportunity to execute follow-up attacks. 2) Disable your internet connection (important!) Playstation Pre-Order Bonus. Step 2: Claim Your Hunted Outfit. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Outfits are a gameplay reward featured in Dying Light. How to Unlock: Power Level 9 and Combat Adept. Fabulous is exactly the perk I was hoping for. since youll basically be max by the end of the game right? How to Unlock: Agility Level 5 and Dodge. With this perk, you each consecutive hit will deal more damage than before an ideal perk for taking out enemies with large HP. Privacy Policy. Full list of DLC outfits (for now): * Dying Light - Ninja Outfit. They are pure cosmetics but the Ninja outfit and the Dragon Ninja outfit doesnt make any footstep sound when you walk, run, jump and fall down. The damage of the weapon stays mostly consistent even if it breaks. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. How to Unlock: Power Level 12. Scout Outfit could allow for additional Stamina along with extended length of time before the player becomes out of breath. Backpacker (Passive) With this skill, you will be able to throw weapons and use UV Flashlights while looking back. For more help on Dying Light, read our Blueprints Locations and Crafting Components Farming Guide. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 7 and Crafting Expertise. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 12. During the world by leveling up the perks to feedback about fortnite's skill-based matchmaking for older man who pre-ordered destiny 2. With this skill, you will be able to break free from Biters in a much faster way. How to Unlock: Agility Level 13 and Freerunning Expert. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. How to Unlock: Power Level 4 and Stun. This skill teaches you how to craft Throwing Stars with effects including Paralyzing, Burning, and Exploding. While falling from a high altitude, you will be able to roll after landing the ground. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. idk if the other outfits give me some unique stuff besides the look. With this skill, you will be able to break an enemys leg while sliding a useful skill to move past enemies without having to engage every one of them. They wear black outfits; they are well-armed and extremely dangerous. This skill teaches you how to craft Shrapnel, Bleeding, Paralyzing, and Toxic grenades. Biters on whom you use Instant Escape will be stunned for a couple of seconds, giving you ample room for the follow-up attacks. "my dad honked my horn yesterday. How to Unlock: Power Level 24 and Combat Expert. I'm pretty sure the outfits are purely cosmetic. As such, he's wearing a green beret with a shiny cap pin, dirty white undershirt with a green open shirt over it. You won't hear your steps but I heard enemies still react as though you make noise. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Snow warrior increases XP, Savvy Gamer gives improved night vision, Astronaut outfit reduces fall damage, Shu Warrior improves dodge ability by 50%, and there might be others too but those are the ones I can think of. As you progress through the story and earn XP, you will be able to select from a wide array of skills which will give you an edge against mutants., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Some dirty grey cargo trousers and black army boots cover his legs and feet while the . not sure if i want to buy it , as with enough time ill get to max anyways? Electric Fences (Active) Dying Light 2: shoot leg, body flies away ) -More weapon variety (Daggers, spears, scythes, pitchforks etc.) This skill teaches you to do wallrunning and get on otherwise inaccessible areas pretty useful skill to go around the world and do exploration. This could only be done after unlocking the ability to craft your own Shields. Why didn't I get the police Rifle from The gas station guy in Pact of Rais? Combine this skill with Conserve Weapons from Power Line and you will be able to keep your weapons for a long time. Takedown (Active) Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. How to Unlock: Agility Level 4 and Dodge. Sick of been kissed by biters. With this skill, you will be able to absorb more damage i.e. Stun Kill (Active) Dying Light - Dieselpunk Bundle $2.99 Dying Light - Harran Ranger Bundle $2.99 Dying Light - Savvy Gamer Bundle $2.99 Dying Light - Astronaut Bundle $2.99 Dying Light - Shu Warrior Bundle $2.99 Dying Light - Retrowave Bundle $2.99 Dying Light - White Death Bundle $2.99 See all More from Dying Light - Official $59.99 $29.99 Dropkick (Active) With this skill, mutants will not be able to notice while you are attacking under the effect of Camouflage. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 11 and Haggle. This skill allows you to search dead bodies a lot faster and have better chances of finding decent loot. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 9. In the Dying Light: The Following, under the Skills tree, you'll get access to Legend Level with a whole new set of skills. Where are the DLC weapons located in game? With this skill, the damage dealt by throwing weapons is increased by 100 per cent. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. Players are free to mix the outfits, weapons, and skills to optimize their playstyle for a build. Leg Breaker (Active) This is almost similar to tackle and allows you to deal massive damage to enemies by ramming them, even to Biters. On Steam, you must go to Activate a Product under the Games menu of your Steam account, and submit the received code to get the outfit. It is ideal to combine it with other skills than knock down enemies. Was initially set as a pre-order bonus for the game. How to Unlock: Power Level 3 and Stun. Your outfit, enchanted with blood, allows you to call any thrown one-handed weapon back to you. sadiq2010 6 years ago #4. Inside the starting out cave in the beginning, underneath a corpse. Tunnel in the south west, in between travel bags. Another idea that would be cool is allowing players to equip the Shield and still attack - possibly making the Shield somewhat smaller. Multi-Throw (Active) View mod page; View image gallery; Purchasable PK Crossbow and Bolts (and Carnage Manica) Gameplay. * Dying Light - Alienware Outfit. There is no class tab or option in Dying Light 2, just in case you are wondering. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 11 and Shield Mastery. All rights reserved. How to Unlock: Survivor Level 7 and Crafting Expertise. With this skill, you will be able to dodge enemies attacks and throw them in different directions. ColossalKiwi outfit Flayed Man Halloween Maniac Intimidator Loan Shark Original Punster , Double E outfit Grey & Red outfit H.S.T.D. where do i find the Access Card in the story quest Broadcast.